How to raise your game at work.

What to do when you feel unfulfilled in your current job. You are feeling stuck and unsure which direction to take.

Before anything else, the first thing you need to do is

RAISE YOUR GAME. A.k.a snap out of it. A.k.a level up. A.k.a stop feeling sorry for yourself.

What tends to happen when you are in this situation is that, you throw yourself a pity party, hurl into your comfort zone and you blame everyone else including Karen at work. And you feel as if the world owes you something. You make up all the excuses why this job isn’t for you or life isn’t fair and expect this magical wand to give you exactly what you need . So as a last resort, you find yourself aimlessly scrolling on google, trying to find an answer and trying to do your ‘research.

None of this will work till you raise your game.

And how you do this is in 3 ways.

  1. First thing - you need to get yourself to a point in your job where you would hire yourself in for your current role. You need to be operating at the optimum level. Teaching people, learning new things and empowering people. Go back to being that person you were when they first hired you. So you would hire yourself.

  2. Do things that make you feel good. Make sure you are taking time out to do things that make you feel good. This could be getting up and going for a run, yoga, going for a walk. Try to snap out of it and not stay in the bubble of being at work.

  3. Shift your mindset. ‘Yeah but its hard’, ‘yeah but covid’, ‘yeah but I don’t know what to do?’. If you are telling yourself these things then you will spiral in this negative self-talk for the rest of your life. But if you shift this too ‘yeah we are in a pandemic but I will use this as an opportunity to find something’ or ‘yes its hard but I will work my hardest to break out of it’ - then you will find yourself in a completely different situation and opportunities will come towards you.

Once you have done these 3 things and raised your game, you are now operating at your optimum level. 

And you will attract what you are worth. You won’t attract anything if you are being a neggy norma in your job. So one thing to remember is that if you are in a job and you want to leave. Then leave with your head held high.

Put your stamp on it and put your mark on it, knowing that you did everything you could before you leave. Opportunities could come your way if you level up in your current job. And if you are in a position when you are not in work, then do whatever it takes to raise the value in your life.




‘I don’t have a passion?’